The far right administration of Prime Minister Abe is trying to push through a new Conspiracy Law which would curtail investigative journalism, free critical debate and any group meetings suspected of discussing topics deemed to be against the interests of the state. Rather similar to The Patriot Act in Bush's United States, if this bill passes the Japanese Diet, it would have severe implications for the independent media, critical thinkers and activists. Would our MAD classes at AIT become suspect for discussing Agamben's 'State of Exception' or Hardt and Negri's 'Empire'? As Japan now goes ever further to the right (and the mainstream media remain silent), I read that today Prime Minister Abe passed a new bill which reforms education law to make it favour 'patriotic' teachings. You can read a detailed article analysing the currently debated Conspiracy Law HERE. The Japan Federation of Bar Associations has also criticised the Bill and its main points can be read HERE. There is also a useful article about the law in Wired magazine online published in August 2006 HERE.
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