Mickey Sacks is the character Woody Allen plays in Hannah and her Sisters. There is a scene I always remember where he goes shopping. He comes into his apartment and starts to unpack the brown grocery bag onto the table. Out comes the Bible and a wooden crucifixion cross, then he proceeds to place on top of these the mayonnaise, a loaf of bread, the cheese, the cereal, the milk...the moral being that you need food to keep breathing.....religion can wait.
I write this having glanced to my right while sitting at my desk at AIT. I see a stack of books: Conceptual Art by Tony Godfrey, The Gift by Marcel Mauss, Romanticism and Art by William Vaughan,Taking Matters into Common Hands edited by IASPIS and my All Romanised English-Japanese Dictionary. On top of this stack is my glass jar full of sunflower seeds, raisins and almonds.....the moral being that you need nuts to distract you at work....and art books make rather good shelves.
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