Yesterday I spent one hour in Second Life organizing my contribution to Cao Fei's project for The forthcoming Yokohama Triennale (opening Sept 12). Cao Fei is currently managing the building of a city called RMB City in Second Life. Parts of its construction site will be launched at Yokohama. When Cao was in Japan a few months ago we met, and spoke about virtual spaces etc. I had become a resident of SL in early 2007, and made several replica sculptures there. Cao has invited me to show some of these in RMB city, so yesterday was a day of 'transporting' or transferring my objects to her staff, and sorting out logistics. It was the easiest curatorial/ project episode I have perhaps ever been involved with! I am excited to see how her physical installation in Yokohama turns out, but for those who can venture into SL, you can experience the work online. More on this as it develops.
Cao Fei's Blog
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